上海市民办中芯学校位于浦东张江高科园区,由中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司于2001年创办,现有来自26个国家和地区的2000余名学生,有教职员工200多名, 其中有100多位专职外籍教师。这是一所从幼儿园、小学、初中到高中一体化,并具有鲜明外语特色的双语学校。学校确立“以学生发展为本”的教育理念,提出了“品格第一,追求卓越,胸怀世界,快乐成长”的办学方针。中西合璧、国际化、个性化的办学特色吸引了优秀学生汇集中芯学校。学校融合多元文化,贯通中西精髓,人文经典浓郁,科学创新发展,是读书、成才的乐园。
Originally founded in 2001, the SMIC Private School was originally founded to serve families employed by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Company (SMIC), one of the most advanced semiconductor companies in China. Over the years, the school’s reputation grew along with enrollment demands as we expanded to include students from outside the company as well. Today, our teaching staff of over 200 (of whom almost half are foreigners) serves over 2000 students in grades K-12 in both English and Chinese tracks. SMIC is a highly academic international school-style division in a Chinese Private school. We offer an American-style curriculum (in English) based on US standards. We provide a phenomenally successful and diverse AP program (97% of our students score 3 or higher on average) and a unique Chinese language program that has fantastic student achievement results. Over the last three school years, 100% of our high school graduates have been accepted to internationally-based colleges and universities. This includes 33 of the top 100 elite institutions in the world such as Berkeley, UCLA, Princeton, Brown, New York University, Rice, University College London, McGill, and Johns Hopkins. We're not only about academics, though, as we have many extra-curricular program options as well including 7 different award-winning sports programs and 21 after-school clubs for students to join. Whether SMIC Private School students pursue academics, sports, or other extra-curricular activities, our staff and active school community encourages their efforts to aim for excellence, while retaining a sense of honor, community and joy.
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