近日,我校美高部学生在我校老师的带领下,开启了在The Cambridge School of Weston——威斯顿剑桥中学的游学之旅。
Recently, accompanied by some of our teachers, the students of the American High School Department at our school travelled to the USA for a study tour of The Cambridge School of Weston, a high school in Massachusetts.
Although the study tour lasted only one week, the schedule was filled with plenty of learning opportunities for the students. During their days at the school, students learned authentic American high school courses such as History, Chemistry and Biology. The students attempted to break language barriers and bravely integrate into the local community life.
Twelve students were assigned to 12 different classes to communicate with the students in those classes and attend Clubs and rallies. Travelling to learn is not purely about enjoyment, but a life experience, in which one can experience the local customs of another country and absorb a foreign cultural atmosphere. They can also learn about international courses and participate in international activities.
One of the teachers said: "Immersion learning not only increases the training of students, improves their ability to be independent, cultivates students' thinking habits from the perspective of globalization, but also prepares students to study abroad in the future. Therefore, although the students had to stay up late to do their homework, they understand the benefits and goals of the experience, and this causes them to work much harder.”
The day before returning home, the students visited Harvard University, which is adjacent to The Cambridge School of Weston. Here, students learned about the establishment and development of Harvard University: Harvard University was founded on October 28, 1638 as the first university in the United States. At that time, the Gulf Colonial Assembly of Massachusetts passed a resolution to prepare for the establishment of an institution of higher learning like Cambridge University in England, and named it "Cambridge College". Over the past several hundred years, Harvard University has gone from emulating to transcending, (referencing the Times World University Ranking for many years). Such a spirit has inspired the determination of the students in our American High School Department to be admitted to this prestigious university.
Tao Xingzhi, a renowned education scholar, advocates that life is education, society is our school, and that teaching should integrate these principles. The study tour to Weston Cambridge School is a model of the “unity of knowledge and practice". It is hoped that by undertaking more of these educational study tours that it will enable more and more students to have a clearer understanding of the direction their lives should take, and be able to enter the university of their choice.
On January 6, 2019, we invite you to visit our beautiful campus and look forward to your arrival.
● 参与主体:9、10、11年级春季班
● 活动流程:
12:30 签到
12:30-13:00 校园参观
13:00-15:00 研讨会同时学生活动
● 举办日期:2019年1月6日
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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