蓄力未来 逐梦前行|2023上海美达菲学校全球大学教育展
In 2023, more than 10 admissions officers from universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Switzerland were invited to visit our school. Among them, University of the Arts London, Simon Fraser University, Lausanne School of Hotel Management, Glion School of Hotel Management, University of Otago, Swiss Hotel Management University, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University and other famous universities participated in this event.
Students met with admissions officers face-to-face to exchange the latest information about universities, majors, admission requirements, university environment and cutting-edge employment trends. In addition, the college advisors of MacDuffie had active and in-depth communication with the college admissions officers at the event site, and sent invitations to some colleges for further communication.
Following MACDUFFIE's footage and text, let's review the wonderful moments of the education fair.
At the college exhibition, participating college admissions officers explained some of the issues that students are most concerned about, such as school curriculum, major advantages, language and cost, providing students with vivid and comprehensive information.
The exhibition hall was bustling. More than 10 universities set up booths to provide consulting services. Students were full of enthusiasm and stopped in front of the booths of their favorite universities to ask questions. College admissions officers had an eager communication with the counseling students, introduced them one-on-one, answered their puzzles, and distributed detailed promotional materials to the counseling students. In this link, students gain first-hand information about colleges and universities. At the same time, the introduction of college admissions officers to a large extent answered students' questions and satisfied students' information needs.
The students who participated in the university Education Fair expressed their gratitude to the university for holding such an event, which provided a platform for them to have face-to-face and one-to-one communication with universities around the world, and gained more useful information to help them better apply for studying abroad.
MacDuffie College Advisor:
"At the Global University Education Fair, G10 and G11 students of our school had in-depth consultation based on their respective study directions and professional interests. After the meeting, the students gave positive feedback about participating in this activity and shared their gains. In particular, they mentioned a lot of information obtained from the admission office, which could not be found on the official website of the school.
At the college education fair, college is no longer about the cold admission data on the website, but about the admissions officers on the spot who enthusiastically share their college life with you. It was a great opportunity for both our college advisors and our students to learn about the latest admissions policies of universities. I hope there will be more events like this!"
"After three years, it was exciting to finally meet with an admissions officer face to face! In addition, more than 10 universities from all over the world participated in the exhibition. At the exhibition, we learned about the latest admission policies of universities in different countries, including the requirements, features and procedures for applying for specific majors."
Through the college fair, 10th graders who are choosing their major courses and 11th graders who are looking for a suitable school to apply to are provided with the latest information about colleges and universities, the admissions process and application requirements. The students gained a lot and had a further understanding of their future plans.
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