When the number of daily confirmed cases in the United States is reaching 80,000, and the total number of confirmed cases is approaching 9 million, China's pandemic situation has already been under control and gradually stabilized. During the most challenging period, everyone united together to fight with COVID-19. Now, we are able to adapt to the "new normal" life under the global pandemic. Because of the current situation abroad, many students choose to stay in China and take online classes. Now, let's explore students' unique and diverse extra-curriculum activities in Shanghai MacDuffie temporary class!
01 出击
Facing the morning sunshine, the students from the temporary class start warm-up activities and weekly regular tennis training under the coach's patient explanation and guidance. During the training, students experience the instant burst of speed and strength and feel the sport's joyfulness simultaneously.
02 攀登
Under the organization of Shanghai MacDuffie, students from the temporary class joined in the traditional Mountain Day activities with the whole school. By walking into nature, they learned how to embrace and respect nature. During this process, they also collaborated with students from other classes and won the Best Team Award after climbing the mountain. When they reached the observatory on the top of Sheshan, looking up the universe and looking down the earth, they must have a special feeling raising in their heart.
03 跨越
A hundred years passed through the fingers. Across the city, the buildings along the Huangpu River still stand as they were a hundred years ago, silently telling about all changes in the world. Standing quietly under the dome of the Bund One Art Museum, with the lights changed, time turned back. The students also started an art journey across time and space.
From the Ukiyo-e in the Edo period to the French painter Monet's famous painting Impression Sunrise, each artwork seems independent, but actually, they are inextricably linked. In the process of viewing the exhibition, the students realized that art connects each creator and audience's inner universe. The journey of exploring art is also a process of exploring our own hearts. As the light and shadow flowed, everyone held the camera in their hands and recorded all the touching moments.
04 融合
Late autumn has arrived. Under the appearance chill, vitality and hope are also accumulating and sprouting secretly. In this diversified and international campus, students can still feel the collision and fusion of Chinese and Western cultures without going abroad under the guidance of Shanghai MacDuffie's philosophy: "International vision with Chinese heart." On Halloween night, the temporary class students also demonstrated their amazing creativity and imagination during various activities.
Till now, students from the temporary class have been studying on this beautiful campus for two months. Due to the current pandemic and global situation, although these students cannot study on campus in the US, everyone experiences a unique and colorful school life in Shanghai MacDuffie.
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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