赫德课程 | 揭秘“迷你伯克利”音乐课是怎样炼成的?
“我想要在赫德打造一个‘迷你伯克利’。”这是Joshua Natal来赫德时就定下的目标。
因此,Joshua Natal老师的音乐课堂,摒弃纯理论、或者单一乐器的传统授课模式,而是给了学生充分的自由选择权,架子鼓、吉他、钢琴、尤克里里、贝斯、非洲鼓、口风琴、电子琴等等,每个学生选择自己喜欢的乐器就好。
Joshua Natal老师认为,相比死记硬背,学生的音乐表现力更为重要,他希望学生们基于乐理知识和乐器演奏的学习,学生们可以将音乐变成自己的一种表达方式。
同样地,硕士从美国毕业的Sandy Shen老师也认为,比起记乐谱、学理论、努力完成任务,不如将演奏、乐理、创作和音乐欣赏结合为一体,着重培养学生的乐感和音乐兴趣。
Music provides a wonderful opportunity for students at HD Qingdao to develop their creativity and express themselves. We would like to introduce our two Music teachers to you . Mr. Joshua Natal, an international music teacher who graduated from Berklee College of Music in the United States, and Mrs Sandy Shen, a bilingual music teacher who graduated from Portland State University in the United States.
音乐课为青岛赫德的学生提供了一个非常好的发挥创造力和表达自我的机会。在为大家详细解读我们的音乐课程之前,请允许我先为大家介绍下青岛赫德两位音乐老师:毕业于世界顶级音乐学府伯克利音乐学院的Joshua Natal先生和毕业于美国波特兰州立大学的双语音乐教师Sandy Shen女士。
Main Content 课程简述
Music classes follow a theme based approach and offer engaging topics for our students at each phase of the school.
From Grades 1 to 3, each class in the school receives at least 2 hours of music instruction each week. We teach music theory and music history through English songs. Children not only improve their rhythm and ability to sing but they also improve their English vocabulary and spoken English.
From Grades 4 and above, our students receive at least one Music class per week and have the option to engage in extra music and choir classes as part of our after-school club programme.
Music at HD Qingdao offers our students the opportunity to enter a new world of personal expression and creativity.
One of our key aims at the school is to ensure that all students gain confidence and experience of performing music as an ensemble by the time they enter the middle school. Students should feel confident enough to sing or perform an instrument on stage to a good standard during school performances and concerts. We hope our students also develop a lifelong appreciation of music.
How we take music class
The different features of Music education at HD Qingdao:
Basic music theory: notes, rhythm, beat, musical terms and musical vocabulary.
When teaching English music theory we use“Air Orchestra”songs -This introduces the arrangement of each instrument family in the symphony and explores the structure of each instrument through fun, engaging songs.
借鉴之前在尼德姆高中教学的经验,Joshua老师将“Air Orchestra(空中管弦乐)”这首曲子带到了青岛赫德的音乐课堂,这部音乐作品中涉及了各种乐器的使用,通过学习、鉴赏、演奏这首歌曲,学生们将对主要的乐器有所了解。
Composition series courses:
We teach our students to compose songs with rhythm, melody and lyrics all considered. Our students compose music according to the requirements of the ABRSM Music theory test.
Music instrument performance:
We reinforce music theory such as understanding of notes, rhythms and beat by playing different instruments.
Music Appreciation :
We teach musical appreciation through fun Interactive content, which vividly introduces the composer Vivaldi's music, historical context and music works
In-Class Talent Show
All Primary students have the opportunity to show their talents in class and through our in-class talent shows. Our students are encouraged to express positive comments using English.
Primary Choir Club
The Primary Choir Club annually recruits students with advanced vocal skills from Grade 2 or above in the primary school. The Choir Club teaches the students a repertoire of English songs, professional vocal techniques and explores harmony and musical styles.
At the 2022 ASDAN International Youth Music Festival our Primary Choir won the third prize for our singing performance and was successfully selected for the 2022 finals in Vienna, Austria. The choir will go to Vienna, Austria, to participate in the final of the International Music Festival in the summer of 2023.
Meeting the needs of English Second Language Learners:
Our Music classes are primarily taught in English with sections of lessons and instructions translated into Mandarin where required.
Our bilingual music lessons provide ESL/EAL students with a rich and professional musical vocabulary though our different teaching techniques. By singing English songs, our English learners have a positive experience of English in the classroom and this has a positive impact on their spoken English.
At HD Qingdao we are passionate about Music. We love seeing our students perform with confidence during drama productions, assembly performances and concerts. We hope that our students develop a love of Music that will last their lifetimes!
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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