QISS(山东省青岛第一国际学校,산동성칭다오제1국제학교) is an independent, accredited, Pre-K through 12th grade international school. We are situated in a state-of-the-art campus on the east side of the city. Since we opened our doors, families from Qingdao and all over the world have discovered the benefits of our unique approach to education. Our innovative, inquiry-based, college preparatory program is based on the academic standards set forth by the United States’ Common Core and College Board, and prominently features Advanced Placement (AP®) courses. The QISS curriculum provides students with the values development, academic rigor, and intellectual enrichment necessary to succeed as 21st century global citizens.
For our students who have English language difficulties QISS is pleased to offer the Learning Resource Center (LRC). The LRC offers English enrichment workshops and a Homework support program for students that require the extra support. LRC classes are offered to students in grades 2-12.
Qingdao No.1 International School of Shandong Province is an innovative educational environment that develops in students a Mindful Heart through rigorous academics, relevant curriculum, and meaningful character enrichment. QISS prepares our graduates for admission into the most prestigious schools, colleges, and universities around the world.
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