There is a kind of love, great and ordinary, such as moistening spring rain, there is a love, selfless and broad, continuous, and deep. This is maternal love, which is always unrequited and selfless.
In many people's memories, your mother has always been your strongest backing. So when Mother's Day comes, are you ready to giveyour mother a gift? Now let's take a look at the wonderful moments of Living Word Shanghai Mother's Day.
Children who are interested in painting express their gratitude to their mothers with brushes. They are attentive and affectionate. Those beautiful pictures are displayed in front of us in this way. The colors are also very rich.
Under the guidance of the teacher, the students made carnations by hand with colored paper, ready to go home and give them to their mothers. You see, the handicraft works on children's hands are mostly like real flowers, with bright colors and beautiful shapes. Flowers are like mother's beautiful face. They are made by themselves and contain their own mind. It can be imagined that mothers will bevery happy to receive flowers made by their children. Their happy smiling faces will surely be more beautiful than flowers.
After the class meeting, the children returned home, and all took practical actions to repay their mothers' love. Some help their mothers do housework, some help their mothers wash their feet and massage their backs, some give their mothers a show, and some directly jump into their arms and gently say to their mothers “Ilove you!” These are spontaneous acts of children, indicating that the seeds ofgratitude have taken root and sprouted in their hearts.
Although the activity is over, we hope our children understand that it is not only on Mother's Day that we need to care about our mothers. Every day in 365 days is Mother's Day. We need to love our mothers just as our mothers love you. Hope that through such activities, children can treat their parents and life with gratitude!
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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