The biggest differences between Chinese and American education is the importancethat schools attach to sports and art.
American education attaches great importance to sports, so in American colleges anduniversities, students who are good at sports tend to stand out from the groups. Questioners argue that this is an anti-intellectualism tendency in American schools, but in fact, if you know enough about the reasons why they attach importance to the cultivation of sports expertise, you will feel that it may not be so simple.
American universities not only value students' cultural achievement, but also their all-round development. Western education does not advocate excessive elegance and exam-taking, nor does it think that liking sports means poor students,barbarism and waste of time.
Most American parents believe that physical activities actually exercise their children's personality and quality, as well as their ability to cooperate and lead in team activities. At the same time, they also create opportunities for their children to suffer hardships and experience failure through physical activities.
That's why most American children prefer team sports to individual sports.
Mr.Fang, president of Living Word Shanghai, who graduated from Yale University, once said, "When I went to Yale to study, why did I adapt better than others?" I think the expertise in music and sports has become one of my best communication tools.There are no borders and no cultural barriers between them. It's easy for me to make friends in a completely unfamiliar environment.
LWS aims to help students develop their EQ, IQ, abilities and skills in anall-round way, and to train them to become leaders in the future. As the only partner of Real Madrid in Asia, Living Word Shanghai has hosted Real Madrid Youth Football Training Camp for the fifth year.
The Real Madrid Football Foundation in Spain is very cautious in choosing partners because of its mature management and operation mode, its prestigious positionin international football and global business circles, and its enduring brand influence. After long-term comprehensive evaluation and investigation, the Chinese educational circles have chosen LWS Bilingual School as their official partner with the same idea and influence.
The school advocates that it should better show its friendship, fitness and overall development with more people through football activities, and take it as one of the important courses in the daily curriculum. Mr. Fang also said that in our school, talented studentsin football will be of great help to future university applications. Teachers also attach great importance to students' other specialties, such as sports talents, and are more willing to help them apply to their favorite American andother famous schools around the world according to their sports specialties.
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江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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