2023 CSAABL International School Basketball League|苹果篮球赛 果燃真精彩
《2023CSAABL International school basketball League》 为提高综合素质,增强团队凝聚力,展现我校积极向上的 精神风貌,金苹果学校国际部参加了“上海国际化学校”CSAA篮球赛联赛。
In order to improve the comprehensive quality, strengthen the team cohesion and show the positive spirit of our school, the International Department of Golden Apple School participated in the "Shanghai International School" CSAA basketball tournament.
万源协和 WOLVES VS 金苹果国际 SGAS
两队在赛前做了充分的准备和热身 ,JACK 给队员们做完最 后的讲解战术,蓄势待发 ,三位裁判员也已就位。随着裁判将篮球抛向空中,激烈的篮球赛开始了。
The two teams were well prepared and warmed up before the game. After the coach gave the players a final explanation of tactics, the three referees were in place. The fierce basketball game began..
在比赛过程中,裁判员公平公正公开、严肃认真,保障比 赛的公正性。篮球队员们生龙活虎,全力以赴,场下的同 学为他们呐喊助威,现场气氛火爆热烈。整齐的口号声伴随着每一次进攻、得分后的欢呼声, 此起彼伏,扣人心弦。
During the game, the referee made a fair decision. The basketball players went all out and the atmosphere was hot.
最后,上海万源协和 WOLVES 队的同学们获得了胜利,赢 下了这场”国际化”篮球联赛, 虽然上海市民办金苹果国际部 SGAS 的同学们虽然遗憾落败,但他们的永不言弃,奋力进 取, 让我们看到了高中学子顽强拼搏的精神,他们虽败犹 荣, 希望他们在下次的比赛中拿下属于他们的胜利,在此 为他们加油!!!
The competition of Shanghai Private Golden Apple International Department showed us the tenacious fighting spirit of senior high school students.
此次“国际化”篮球赛不仅向其他学校师生展现了我校同学们 积极向上的青春风采,同时也增进了同学之间的凝聚力和 战斗力,培养了大家的集体荣誉感,增进了各校同学们的 友谊,展现了我校同学们的团结、和谐、勇于拼搏的精神风貌。
This "international" basketball game not only shows the positive youth style of our students to the teachers and students of other schools, but also enhances the cohesion and fighting force among the students, cultivates the sense of collective honor, enhances the friendship of the students of all schools, and shows the spirit of unity, harmony and courage of the students of our school.
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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