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  从教育革新的一粒种子,到枝繁叶茂的育人森林;从扎根中国文化的根系,到伸展拥抱世界的枝干——华外同文外国语学校用十年光阴,在传统与现代的激荡中劈开路径,于本土与全球的交融里搭建桥梁。这里的故事,是教育者以理想为犁铧深耕教育的实验田,是学子以梦想为风帆探索世界的启航港,更是一所年轻学校与时代浪潮同频共振的铿锵宣言。站在十年的里程碑前,我们叩问初心:学校如何以十年积淀为基,以“更中国、更世界”为灯塔,在建设教育强国的壮阔航程中,续写下一个十年的星辰大海?华外同文外国语学校十周年发展大会启幕之际,华外总校长朱子平满怀深情,为学校十周年撰写寄语,回顾往昔奋斗历程,展望未来无限可能。On the occasion of the grand opening of the school's 10th anniversary celebration, Zhu Ziping, the General Principal of Huawai-Tongman Foreign Language School, wrote a heartfelt message for the school's 10th anniversary, reflecting on the past struggles and looking forward to the infinite possibilities of the future.

  十年,是时间的刻度,更是理想的延展;十年,是奋斗的足迹,更是初心的见证。站在华外同文外国语学校建校十周年的历史节点,回望来路,我们心怀敬畏与感恩;眺望远方,我们更感使命如磐、步履铿锵。As we stand at the historical juncture of the 10th anniversary of Huawai-Tongmen Foreign Language School, reflecting on the journey we have taken, we are filled with a deep sense of awe and gratitude. Looking ahead, we are even more acutely aware that our mission remains as steadfast as ever, and we march forward with unwavering determination.

  十年前,一粒承载教育革新之梦的种子破土萌芽。面对教育理念的多元碰撞、资源的匮乏与挑战,我们以“更中国、更世界”为航标,矢志打造一座接轨国际、深耕本土的教育港湾。从蓝图初绘到系统理念形成,从师资汇聚到首批学子入校,每一步都浸润着开拓者的心血。幸得华南师范大学的鼎力支持,学校在课程构建、师资培育、科研创新等领域锚定高品质方向,让一所新生学校从诞生之初便扎根沃土,向阳而生。Amidst the diverse collisions of educational philosophies and the challenges of limited resources, we embrace the guiding principle of "Embrace China, Embrace the World." We are committed to creating an educational sanctuary that connects with the international community while remaining deeply rooted in our local context.

  十年耕耘,教育之光璀璨绽放。中外教师携手,以“启发潜能、培育全人”为宗旨,打破传统藩篱,构建多元课程体系;课堂内外,自主、探究与合作共学交织,思维的火花与外语的锋芒辉映;国际赛场、学术舞台,华外学子自信从容,以卓越之姿镌刻姓名。我们深知,教育不仅是知识的传递,更是灵魂的唤醒。在这里,尊重与信任滋养心灵,乐观与关怀温润成长,每一位学子皆在“全面发展、特长突出”的沃土中,舒展成独特的生命风景。Here, respect and trust nurture the soul, while optimism and care infuse warmth into the journey of growth. Every student flourishes in the rich soil of "all-round development with outstanding specialties," blossoming into a unique and vibrant life landscape.

  十年交融,文明之美熠熠生辉。东方的谦和儒雅与西方的开放探索,在校园中悄然相融:文化节上,中华古韵与异域风情共舞;交流活动中,跨越国界的对话让世界触手可及。这十年,亦是师生共赴的一场温情之旅。教师以智慧为灯,以陪伴为舟,照亮学子逐梦之路;学子以成长作答,以感恩回馈,校友反哺更让教育的薪火生生不息。这份双向奔赴的情谊,是华外最动人的底色。Over these ten years, we have also witnessed a heartwarming journey shared by teachers and students. Teachers, with their wisdom as a guiding light and companionship as a vessel, have illuminated the path for students to chase their dreams. In return, students have responded with remarkable growth and expressed their gratitude. Meanwhile, the unwavering support and contributions of our alumni have ensured that the torch of education continues to burn brightly, passed down through generations.

  十年磨砺,皆为序章;未来征途,山海可越。站在新时代的潮头,我们将始终坚守更中国的家国情怀和更世界的全球视野的育人初心,以更坚定的步伐深化教育创新,以更开放的姿态拥抱世界变革。We will always remain true to the core purpose of education: to foster a deep sense of patriotism grounded in Chinese values and to cultivate a global perspective. With unwavering resolve, we will continue to advance educational innovation, and with an open and forward-looking mindset, we will embrace the evolving landscape of the world.

  正值建校十周年之际,中共中央、国务院印发了《教育强国建设规划纲要(2024—2035年)》,为学校新的十年发展指明了方向。愿下一个十年,全体华外人继续携手并肩,为建设教育强国贡献力量,在教育的长河中激荡浪花,在时代的苍穹下书写新的辉煌!In the next decade, may all members of Huawai-Tongmen Foreign Language School continue to stand together, contribute to the construction of a powerful educational nation, and pen a new chapter of educational brilliance.



 联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老师 手机:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

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