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华外同文外国语学校从水循环开始,打造“海绵”校园 | CEP小学PBL跨学科探究项目

  从水循环开始,打造“海绵”校园 | CEP小学PBL跨学科探究项目

  当一滴雨水从天而降,它将流向哪里?五年级的教室里,孩子们正在用智慧与创意,探讨这个问题的答案。他们化身“海绵城市”的规划师,以校园为蓝图,设计雨水花园微改造模型,让每一滴雨水都能被有效利用。这不是一节普通的课,而是一场知识与能力的全方位碰撞,一次跨学科融合的深度体验。In the fifth grade classroom, the children are exploring the answer to this question with wisdom and creativity. They took on the role of “sponge city” planners, using the campus as a blueprint to design a rain garden micro-retrofit model, so that every drop of rainwater can be effectively utilized.

  01在实践过程中,培养解决问题的能力Developing Problem-solving Skills


  在老师的引导下,学生们开始动脑筋。有的查阅课堂提供的资料,有的动手测试不同工具。“试试透气网叠加密封带吧!”当一个大胆的方案得到验证,全组成员激动得站起来欢呼:“我们成功了!”他们互相击掌,那一刻的自信洋溢在每个人的脸上。In the first part of the modeling process, sealing problems gave the students their first taste of “construction”. The team member in charge of layering the materials tried to fix it with glue, but found that it did not work well. Under the guidance of the teacher, students began to think. Some consulted the information provided in the classroom, while others tested different tools to find an answer to the problem.

  02从分歧到默契,在小组协作中找到自信Finding Confidence in Group Work


  过程中最有趣的场景莫过于一个小组自创的“施工歌谣”:“一层砾石一层布,层层铺满雨不堵!”伴随着欢快的“施工节奏”,模型慢慢成形,每一个小组都在协作中找到自信与成就感。The creation of the rain garden was not only a technical challenge, but also a test of teamwork. Through conflict and coordination, everyone gradually found the rhythm of teamwork. After successfully completing the production, they found confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

  03当“雨水”流动起来,“海绵”校园诞生了A “sponge” campus is born.


  孩子们围在一起,用pH试纸检测“雨水”的流动和净化效果,观察水从砾石层到植物根系的运作轨迹。“太神奇了,我们的雨水真的可以被重新利用!”一名学生兴奋地说着,满脸的欣喜。另一名学生则小心翼翼地摆放草皮模型,“看,这像不像一个缩小版的绿色天堂?”这堂课不仅让学生们在科学、设计、艺术等多方面得到了提升,还让他们学会了沟通与合作,理解了环保的真正意义。This class not only helped the students to improve in many aspects of science, design and art, but also taught them to communicate and cooperate, and to understand the true meaning of environmental protection.

  04在不断探索的过程中,收获成长Reap the rewards of growth as you continue to explore

  “海绵校园微改造”项目是华外CEP小学PBL“城市主题跨学科系列课程”的重要组成部分,通过将科学探究与实际应用结合,让学生们以创造者的身份参与解决现实问题。这种“做中学”的教育理念,不仅让学生掌握了知识,还在情感、社会责任感和实践能力上得到全方位的成长。正如一名学生所言:“我以前从没想过雨水可以变得这么有用,更没想过我们能用双手去改变身边的环境。”The “Sponge Campus Micro-renovation” project is an important part of the HW CEP Elementary School PBL “Urban Theme Interdisciplinary Curriculum Series”, which allows students to participate in solving real-life problems as creators by combining scientific inquiry with practical applications. This educational concept of “learning by doing” not only enables students to acquire knowledge, but also to grow emotionally, socially and practically in all aspects.

  这场跨学科项目课程,不仅让五年级的孩子们走近了“海绵城市”的理念,更让他们对未来充满期待。雨水花园虽小,但承载着孩子们的大梦想。我们相信,在华外的课堂里,这样的梦想将继续发芽,绿意盎然。This interdisciplinary program not only brought the fifth graders closer to the concept of “sponge cities”, but also made them look forward to the future. Although the rain garden is small, it carries the children's big dreams. We believe that in HW's classrooms, such dreams will continue to germinate and flourish.



 联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老师 手机:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

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  •  Anne.OuYang
  • 电话:17310788597
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  •  Grace.Jiang
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