骑士、侦探、魔法师……当书本角色来到华外 | I-EP Book Character Day
11月22日,I-EP以角色之名,拥抱阅读,畅游经典。为了激发孩子们的阅读兴趣,让他们更加亲近书本,感受阅读的魅力,学校特别策划了“书本角色日”系列活动。在这个特别的日子里,孩子们化身为他们最喜爱的书中角色,共同演绎一场跨越时空的奇幻之旅。Step into the time-traveling pages of books, transform into your favorite characters, and embark on an extraordinary literary adventure! OnNovember 22nd, we will embrace reading and celebrate timeless classics through character-inspired fun. To ignite a passion for reading and bring children closer to the magic of books, we’ve designed a series of excitingBook Character Dayactivities. On this special day, students will become the characters they love most, weaving a magical journey that transcends time and space.
01中外教师分享阅读经典Teachers Sharing Literary Classics文学跨越国界,书香浸润心灵!中方老师与外籍班主任各自分享一本书,用他们的独特视角带领大家走进文字的世界。无论是本土经典还是异域文学,都给同学们全新的阅读体验。还有的班级邀请了家长志愿者,为孩子们带来精彩的书本故事分享。Both Chinese and foreign homeroom teachers share their favorite books, offering unique perspectives and guiding students into the enchanting world of literature. From local masterpieces to global classics, each story promises a fresh reading experience. In some classes, parent volunteers have also been invited to bring stories to life for the children, adding even more joy to the day.
02跨年级共读活动Cross-Grade Reading Sessions上周,PYP三到六年级的同学分别给PIEP的小朋友们阅读了有趣的中英文绘本。在书本角色日当天,六到九年级的大哥哥、大姐姐分别去到一到五年级小朋友的教室,与他们一起共读有趣的故事。跨年级阅读活动打破年级界限,让不同年龄段的学生共聚一堂,分享书籍,交流心得。活动不仅拓宽了学生的阅读视野,还促进了学生间的互动与交流,有效激发了阅读兴趣,为构建书香校园、提升学生综合素养奠定了坚实基础。Throughout the week, PYP Grades 3–6 students read delightful Chinese and English picture books to PIEP younger students. On Book Character Day, Grades 6–9 MYP students will visit the classrooms of Grades 1–5 to read engaging stories with them.Breaking through grade-level boundaries, this activity brings together students of different ages to share books and exchange insights. It not only broadens their literary horizons but also fosters communication and interaction among peers, effectively sparking a love for reading.
03书本角色游行Book Character Parade大家穿上精心准备的书本角色服装,集体携手步入一场盛大的游行庆典!你看,无论是勇敢的骑士、聪明的侦探,还是神秘的魔法师,都能在这里找到属于自己的舞台。他们纷纷跨越书页界限,在校园中展现各自独特的魅力风采。此刻,每一个角色都化身为故事里跃然纸上的鲜活主角,共同编织一场场精彩的校园奇遇!Dressed as their favorite book characters, students will join a grand parade to showcase their creativity and passion for literature. Look around—you’ll find brave knights, clever detectives, and mysterious wizards all sharing the same stage! Characters leap off the pages, walking proudly through the campus, creating a vivid celebration of storytelling. Every participant becomes a living, breathing protagonist of their chosen tale, contributing to a series of unforgettable literary adventures.
04大咖驾到Special Guest Workshop本次书本角色日邀请知名插画师刘娜女士为一、二年级的小朋友带来名为《一场勇气和害怕的较量》的工作坊。孩子们既听了精彩的故事,又尝试了角色再创造。This year, we are honored to welcome renowned illustrator Ms. Liu Na, who will host a workshop for Grades 1–2 titled A Battle Between Courage and Fear. Students will listen to an inspiring story and have the chance to recreate characters in their own unique way.
05中英文“Battle of Books”知识赛Chinese & English “Battle of Books”下午,PYP三到六年级,以及MYP七到九年级的同学加了中英文书本知识竞赛。那可不是一场普通的知识较量,而是一场智慧与激情交织的华丽盛宴!想象一下,中文组的文学小将们与英文组的语言高手们,他们摩拳擦掌,准备在知识的海洋里掀起一场惊涛骇浪。In the afternoon, PYP Grades 3–6 and MYP Grades 7–9 students will participate in the Chinese & English Book Knowledge Competition. But this isn’t just a typical quiz—it’s a dazzling showcase of wit and enthusiasm! Imagine the Chinese team’s literary warriors squaring off against the English team’s language experts, diving into a sea of knowledge and sparking waves of excitement.
在这个充满魔法的日子里,我们一起走进了书本的世界,与那些经典角色共舞。让阅读点亮生活,用想象创造未来。我们下一个书本角色日见!On this magical day, let’s step into the world of books and dance with the timeless characters that have captivated generations. Let’s use reading to brighten our lives and imagination to shape the future. See you at the next Book Character Day!
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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