Join Us | 11/23,到华外享受运动的快乐
在华外,体育渗透在课堂内外和日常生活中。“身心健康是学生全面发展的基础”已成为华外师生的共识,在开齐开足体育课程的基础上,学校也组建了各类体育校队与学生社团,并与林丹、谢杏芳、焦刘洋、林书豪等一众世界冠军与专业人士合作,力争为孩子们提供最好的教育资源。In HW, physical education is integrated into inside and outside the classroom and in daily school life. “Physical and mental health is the basis for the overall development of students” has become the consensus of teachers and students at HW. Not only P.E. classes, but also various types of sports teams and student clubs have set up in HW. Cooperations with world champions and professionals empower the HW community.
丰富且个性化的体育选修项目Extensive and personalized P.E. courses
华外整合社会资源,提供丰富多样的体育项目,包括帆船、网球、轮滑冰球、击剑、高尔夫、橄榄球、棒球、马术等个性化的选修课程,力争让每一位孩子掌握一两项运动技能,为未来健康的生活方式打下良好基础。HW integrates social resources to provide a rich variety of sports programs, including sailing, tennis, roller hockey, fencing, golf, American football, baseball, equestrian, and other personalized elective courses.
同时,华外成立了多个体育类校队与学生社团,如广州市青少年帆船队(华外帆船队)、轮滑冰球校队、游泳校队、篮球校队、足球校队、健美操/啦啦操校队等,为学生提供了展示体育特长的平台。There are many sports teams and student clubs at HW that provide a platform for students to show their sports talents.
专业的教练团队Professional Coaching Teams
除学校专业的体育教师外,华外与专业人士合作,羽毛球校队和羽毛球选修课由世界冠军林丹、谢杏芳打造的“超级丹”教练团队执教;篮球选修课则由华人球星林书豪与前国家队球员李群的“豪群炼盟”教练团队执教;游泳选修课和游泳校队由奥运冠军焦刘洋打造的专业团队执教;让孩子从起步阶段就接受专业的指导和训练。Cooperations with world champions such as Lin Dan, Xie Xingfan, Jiao Liuyang and professionals empower students.
体育教育融入日常生活与教学中"P.E. is the best education"
体育教育在华外渗透于日常生活、课堂和各类活动中。学校除了开足开齐体育课外,还设置了每日晨练、体育大课间和下午的体育锻炼时段,确保学生每天在校园里得到足量足负荷的体育锻炼。In addition to offering a full range of P.E. classes, the school has also set up daily schedule to ensure that students get enough physical exercise on campus every day.
此外学校每学年开展体育运动节,根据季节和学段特征,将活动分为春季团体趣味运动节、秋季田径运动竞技赛以及一年级亲子家庭运动日;学生足球联赛、篮球联赛、跳绳比赛等体育活动贯穿在整个学期中。在校外,学校还会开展“坚毅徒步”、“为爱奔跑青少年马拉松”等体育活动。让学生在竞赛中体验运动的乐趣和挑战。There are a lot of sports ectivitives at HW every year. HW students enjoy the happiness and challenges from sports.
我们相信,体育是最好的教育。在体育运动的过程,获得健康的身体、健全的人格、达观的心理、坚强的意志。华外的体育教育并非是要将所有人培养为体育健将,而是希望孩子们培养一项或多项伴随一生的运动爱好,从而在成长的道路上更加坚强和自信。We believe that sport is the best education. HW's sports education can make the students grow up to be stronger and more confident.
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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