题型分值Question Types |
选择Multiple choice questions 选词填空 Fill in blanks 匹配题 Match words 简答 Short response 改错 Identify errors 句子改写 Rewrite sentences 写作(100-150字)Writing |
考察重点Key points |
词汇 Vocabulary |
a)同义词转换,根据句意选择意思相近的词汇 Synonym, Choosing words with similar meanings according to the sentence |
b)根据句意选择合适的单词 Choosingthe right word according to the meaning of the sentence |
语法 Grammar |
a)时态tense:一般现在时present simple/一般过去时past simple/一般将来时 simple future tense/现在进行时present progressive/过去进行时past progressive/现在完成时present perfect/被动语态the passive(肯定affirmative/否定negative/疑问形式question) |
b) 动词过去式的不规则变化 Irregular verbs |
c)形容词/副词的运用 Application of adjective and adverb |
d)感官系动词 Sensory action verbs |
e)主谓一致 Subject-predicate consistency |
f)及物动词以及不及物动词 Transitive and intransitive verb |
g)过去分词与现在分词 Present and past participle |
写作 Writing |
a)记叙文体Narrative |
b)说明文体Expository |
备考建议Suggestions |
1.积累生活中的常用词汇,需要灵活运用理解,能够同义词替换 Accumulatecommon vocabulary in life, be able to usesynonymsand apply flexibly
2.熟悉基本语法知识点 Be familiar with basic grammar knowledge
3.写作注意规定文体格式以及段落逻辑,注意写作文体格式,注意不同话题的用词规范 Pay attention to writing style,paragraph logicand word usage for different topics
题型分值Question Types |
Short response简答题 |
考察重点Key points |
几何 Geometry |
a)面积:三角形、矩形、梯形等 Area of triangle,rectangle,square,trapezium,etc |
b)一次函数和二次函数 Quadratic and linear function |
c)相似三角形 Similar triangles |
代数 Algebra |
a)实数的运算法则 Order of operation of real numbers |
b)实数的大小比较 Comparison of real numbers |
c)速度、路程、时间问题 Speed ,distance,time |
d)因式分解与化简 Factorize and simplification |
统计 Statistic |
饼图、直方图、柱状图 Pie chart, histogram,bar grap |
计算机 使用技巧 Calculator skills |
a)指数的运算 Exponential |
b)平方根、立方根 Square root and cube root |
c)分数、小数的运算 Fraction,decimal |
备考建议Suggestions |
1.熟悉定义、掌握相关公式 Acknowledge the formulas and get familiar with the definition
2.对于数学的知识点,多探究是什么?怎么用?为什么这样用? For any point in maths study, research about what it is,how it is and why it is
3.用数形结合的方法解决问题 Combine algebra and geometry when solving the problems
4)解题中给出详细步骤,不要跳步 Show detailed process in solving the problems, don’t skip
5)注意时间,认真读题、答题 Care about the time for the test and be careful
题型分值Question Types |
选择Multiple choice questions 选词填空 Fill in blanks 匹配题 Match words 简答 Short response 改错 Identify errors 句子改写 Rewrite sentences 写作(120-200字)Writing |
考察重点Key points |
词汇 Vocabulary |
a)同义词转换,根据句意选择意思相近的词汇 Synonym, Choosing words with similar meanings according to the sentence |
b)根据句意选择合适的单词Choosingthe right word according to the meaning of the sentence |
语法 Grammar |
a)时态tense:一般现在时present simple/一般过去时past simple/一般将来时 simple future tense/现在进行时present progressive/过去进行时past progressive/现在完成时present perfect/被动语态the passive(肯定affirmative/否定negative/疑问形式question) |
b) 动词过去式的不规则变化 Irregular verbs |
c)形容词/副词的运用 Application of adjective and adverb |
d)感官系动词 Sensory action verbs |
e)主谓一致 Subject-predicate consistency |
f)及物动词以及不及物动词 Transitive and intransitive verb |
g)过去分词与现在分词 Present and past participle |
写作 Writing |
a)记叙文体Narrative |
b)说明文体Expository |
备考建议Suggestions |
1.积累生活中的常用词汇,需要灵活运用理解,能够同义词替换 Accumulatecommon vocabulary in life, be able to usesynonymsand apply flexibly
2.熟悉基本语法知识点 Be familiar with basic grammar knowledge
3.写作注意规定文体格式以及段落逻辑,注意写作文体格式,注意不同话题的用词规范 Pay attention to writing style,paragraph logicand word usage for different topics
题型分值Question Types |
Short response简答题 |
考察重点Key points |
几何 Geometry |
a)三角形、矩形、梯形等的面积 Area of triangle,rectangle,square,trapezium,etc |
b)一次函数和二次函数 Quadratic and linear function |
c)四边形的性质及面积 Property and area of quadrilateral |
代数 Algebra |
a)实数的运算法则 Order of operation of real numbers |
b)分数的化简和变形 Form conversion and simplification of fraction |
c)利润问题 Profit problem |
统计 Statistic |
a)平均值、模、值域 Mean,mode,range |
b)对比、讨论数的分布特点 Compare and comment on the shape of the data |
计算机 使用技巧 Calculator skills |
a)指数的运算Exponential |
b)平方根、立方根、平方、立方的运算 Square root and cube root,square ,cube |
c)分数、小数的运算 Fraction,decimal |
备考建议Suggestions |
1.熟悉定义、掌握相关公式 Acknowledge the formulas and get familiar with the definition
2.对于数学的知识点,多探究是什么?怎么用?为什么这样用? For any point in maths study, research about what it is,how it is and why it is
3.用数形结合的方法解决问题 Combine algebra and geometry when solving the problems
4)解题中给出详细步骤,不要跳步 Show detailed process in solving the problems, don’t skip
5)注意时间,认真读题、答题 Care about the time for the test and be careful
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