Between China and the West, in art education, I have experienced the best of both worlds, having finished my MFA at a prestigious American art and design academy, followed by completing a PhD here in mainland China.
Resolving Composition 学生较大挑战是构图
When studying drawing or painting in higher education, one of the things professors will emphasize over and over again, is not just refining and polishing lines and shapes, but resolving the composition. At a minimum, this means considering the full paper or canvas.
At Shenzhen Academy of International Education, most of my new students who come to me with drawing concepts they have thought of themselves, come to me with unresolved compositions. Most often, this means that there are figures floating in space with no ground or background. This problem is easy to fix, but considera-tion of a total composition is conceptually challenging and in itself provides infinite possibilities.
Use of Color 颜料处理不能太初始
Another common issue I come across with new students is the tendency to use color straight out of the tube. When color is not mixed and dulled, it tends to look shallow and fake, particularly when applied to natural scenery or objects. In my student Carol’s work since arriving at SAIE, we can see consistent improvement in several areas, including composition, color, and color application. Her drawings are wonderful, and I believe that when she absorbs all she can about color and composition (which she will, eventually), she will have a very bright future in a wide variety of job fields, because she will have honed the important skills she needs for both fine arts and design.
Evidence of Process 过程显现必须要重视
Finally, I would like to mention one more aspect of the American visual arts application which is undervalued by applicants, but highly valued by the educators who review them. This is the evidence of process. By process, what I mean is not only the development and learning that might be shown through a set of work over time, but the demonstration of how one works. If we can see drafts, layers, continuous focus and refinement of a unique idea, this is very valuable, regardless of whether your subject matter is anime cartoons or classical religious themes.
联系人:欧阳老师 手机:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老师 手机:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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