Academics Introduction:
The international program at Ningbo Binhai InternationalCooperative School offers students a unique, internationalized educationalexperience. We use an integrated, holistic approach that combines both coreacademic skills in both Chinese and US studies along with essential English-speakingproficiency development. We also believe in an educational approach that equipsstudents not only with academic competency but also with the fundamental professionaland personal skills to succeed in the globalized world. We use Americancurricula that includes American academic English, Advanced Placement (AP)courses, as well as summer study courses in a United States high school.Furthermore, our students take part in various extracurricular activities, suchas music, dance, and art.
Our main goals:
·Provide standardized, rigorous instruction thatequips our students for future academic and professional success.
·Foster an enriching climate where internalizedknowledge, attitudes, and experience are an essential part of our schoolculture.
·Provide individualized guidance and instructionthat serves the needs of all students from all levels and abilities.
Our mission is to help our students emerge as globalized,creative, and intellectual citizens who possess the essential skills forsuccess in any professional and cultural context.
Ningbo Binhai InternationalCooperative School Course Program
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