As a modern boarding school approved by the Education Chinese Red Cross Foundation and the Education Committee of Chaoyang District, Beijing Bacui Bilingual School (BBBS) offers primary, middle and high school education programmes. The school covers an area of 8 hectares with construction space over 50,000 sqm in the style of classical Chinese garden. At present more than 1,800 students choose to study at BBBS, including 150 international students from the USA, Canada, Korea, Thailand, Kazakhstan, etc.
The school board chairman is Ms. Jiang Dan, vice chairman of the board of directors in Chinese Red Cross Foundation, Ms Jiang Zeling is the school’s honorable principal, former principal of Beijing No.4 Middle School, Mr Qiu Jilong acts as the school’s senior supervisor, Mr. Wan Xiaoping, special teacher, one of the notable principals in Jiangsu Province is the present principal. The school’ s outstanding faculty consists of excellent educationalists and teachers who are regional leaders in their subject areas. Some instructors have gained a diversity of experience through teaching in previous key high schools in Beijing as well as other provinces.
Every person is born with their inherent capabilities and expertise, but the development of their talents requires certain conditions. Our school will provide students with the best and viable education so that each child reaches his full potential.
来源:国际学校网 本页网址:http://www.ctiku.com/bacui/3958.html本网站所收集的部分公开资料来源于互联网,转载的目的在于传递更多信息及用于网络分享,并不代表本站赞同其观点和对其真实性负责,也不构成任何其他建议。育龙国际学校网为第三方教育信息发布平台,本站部分作品是由网友自主投稿和发布、编辑整理上传,对此类作品本站仅提供交流平台,不为其版权负责。如果您发现网站上有侵犯您的知识产权的作品,请与我们取得联系,我们会及时修改或删除。电子邮箱:jiangyue2012#qq.com(“#”换成“@”)